To start with balloons, you need a pump and a bag of balloons. Don't go to the dollar store for this or you won't get past a 3 twist poodle. Get yourself a good pump and some good balloons. You will start with what are called 260 balloons either by Qualatex or Betalatex most likely. Both are good brands with little poppage which will help. The good starter hand pumps are from Qualatex. You'll want either a single action (the red one) or a double action (the pink and purple one). I like the red one because it only pumps in one direction and the air does not come back out when you stop pumping. The double action pumps in both directions but if you stop, the air starts coming back out of the balloon... to me it isn't as precise. I like to count my pumps for sculptures rather than looking at the length of the pumped section or length of the tail, so the red fits my style best.
Once you have your pump and your bag of balloons (any bag of 100 assorted colours will start you off with learning to do it), then take yourself over to and try all of the single balloon sculptures on there. Once you can confidently do all of the single balloon things on there from memory, you can get away with calling yourself a twister and doing it at a party or event. You won't be the best in the biz with just those, but it will get your feet wet with doing it faster... if you can get through 12 kids before any of them have managed to pop their balloons, you're doing OK ;) That's why I always do balloons at the end of the party... make them and RUN!!
In all seriousness, I will usually do one or two repairs before I leave, but I'll give you a one liner that will save you from having your one hour party turn into two hours of fixing balloons:
"Balloons are like vitamins, you only get ONE a day."
Happy Twisting!!
Perry Noia the Scaredy Clown :oD
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