Friday, 25 March 2011

The power of laughter

Let's take a minute to bow to the wonderful power of laughter!  As a clown, I am exhilarated by being able to share laughter with everyone that I reach out to.... even putting a smile on someone's face just by walking by them in clown is such a joy.  My four year old said something truly marvelous the other day.... "If we could make everyone in the world happy, then we could have a big party and everybody could do the things they like." .... although she was a little worried about how they would all find our house for the party. ;)

Take a minute or two today and watch some Bugs Bunny, Three Stooges or well, whatever makes you laugh and just enjoy the wonderful power that laughter can bring into your life.  Like what?  Check out these links...

Laugh like you just don't care!
Perry Noia the Scaredy Clown :oD
(AKA Erin)

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